- New Investment
Investment in Tokaitenrei Co., Ltd. by NSSK
Nippon Sangyo Suishin Kiko (“NSSK”; is pleased to announce an investment in Tokaitenrei Co., Ltd. (“Tokaitenrei”; headquartered in Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture through Chubu/Hokuriku Region Vitalization Investment L.P. (“Chubu/Hokuriku Investment L.P.”). This is a business succession transaction.
Tokaitenrei was established in 1983. With its corporate motto, “Fulfill Wishes of Customers”, Tokaitenrei is pursuing an “area dominant strategy”, with 18 funeral facilities in and around Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture: 11 in Toyokawa, 2 in Shinshiro, 1 in Gamagori, 2 in Nagoya, and 2 in Shizuoka Prefecture. Due to the success of the strategy, it holds the top share in the market for funeral ceremonies in Tokyokawa City. Tokaitenrei also has an in-house flower arrangement team that produces altar flower arrangements of high quality relative to its
competitors. In line with its corporate motto, “Fulfill Wishes of Customers”, it delivers exceptional and high value-added customer service. Due to this, its funeral services are highly rated and its brand is widely recognized in the areas in which it operates.
Building on the business foundation Tokaitenrei has established, NSSK will provide its Value-Up Program (“NVP”) and offer its expertise and domestic and international networks to Tokaitenrei and implement global best business practices with initial focus on accounting, finance, governance, compliance, corporate philosophy, and ESG. Working in collaboration with the founder and existing management, NSSK will also support Tokaitenrei’s sales growth by refining its marketing strategy and assist in the development and opening of new facilities.