


  • Portfolio Company

Sale of Sports Nutrition Business of DNS Inc. by NSSK II

Nippon Sangyo Suishin Kiko (“NSSK”; https://www.nsskjapan.com/en/) is pleased to announce that DNS Inc. (“DNS”; https://www.dnszone.jp/), invested through investment partnerships managed or provided with services by NSSK affiliates (collectively, “NSSK II”), has entered into an agreement to transfer the sports nutrition business of DNS, which is engaged in the product planning, sales and marketing of sports nutrition products under the brand name “DNS”, to DAIICHI SANKYO HEALTHCARE CO., LTD. (“Daiichi Sankyo Healthcare”; https://www.daiichisankyo-hc.co.jp/).

Since its establishment in 2000, DNS’s sports nutrition business has served a wide range of consumers from top athletes to sports enthusiasts, with the aim of improving their performance and health by developing supplements, drinks, and other products, with a focus on protein powder. For over two decades, DNS has researched the nutritional requirements of athletes in developing its core product line of protein powders. As a result of its uncompromising commitment to taste and collaboration with flavor experts, DNS’s products are highly rated by consumers for their taste.

From its onset, DNS has been committed to creating highly effective products and has been actively utilizing sports nutrition studies and research from international organizations to develop its products. DNS’s products are manufactured at plants that have passed rigorous anti-doping screenings and are continuously being tested for banned substances so as to uphold the company`s utmost commitment to safety and quality. These factors make DNS one of Japan’s leading brands in sports nutrition and have garnered strong support from its consumers, with high brand recognition and strong customer relationships.

Daiichi Sankyo Healthcare is a company operating in the consumer health business with a focus on OTC drugs, which individuals can select and purchase according to their needs. The company has also expanded its business to functional skincare and oral care products, as well as food products, with the aim to achieve the corporate slogan of “Fit for You — Join us in creating a healthier lifestyle that fits you perfectly.” With the acquisition of the DNS brand, Daiichi Sankyo Healthcare will enter into the sports nutrition business which is essential to individuals’ daily health and contributes to improving their overall quality of life.

NSSK believes that Daiichi Sankyo Healthcare will continue to achieve further growth and increase the value of the DNS brand and its sports nutrition business by applying its proprietary specialist functions in R&D, product planning, sales and marketing, supply chain and quality assurance.

NSSK’s mission is to build a leading alternative asset investment business by investing in attractive Japanese companies in partnership with their management and contributing to the Environment, Society and Governance goals of Japan and beyond. NSSK’s investment strategy seeks to generate superior outcomes by applying global investment discipline, operating expertise and human capital to Japanese companies originating from our proprietary and differentiated sourcing network.